What I Like About Blogging!!!

I like to blog because of all of the experiences with technology and people. It’s also a very fun way to be social with people from other cities, states, or even counties!!! I love how I can personalize my own blog screen with anything based on my personality which is a great way to discover who you really are! 🙂 I didn’t find blogging that hard so it wasn’t a big hassle for me (but then again I do use the computer a lot). If you can please comment about what you love about blogging!!!!!! 🙂

Please Comment!!!!!

Commenting is the subject for my third challenge and I am hoping I can get a lot of them. Please comment based on the rules and regulation I used in my previous post. I would be very very excited if I could at least get 100 comments in all in my entire blog so Keep commenting!!!!! 🙂

Me Gusta…

Me gustan jugar al tenis y video juegos. También, me gusta usar la computadora. Mi clase favorita es la clase de matemáticas porque yo aprendo muy bien. Usualmente, yo voy a casa y uso la computadora por la tarde despues de escuela. Yo estoy muy emocionado sobre homecoming porque homecoming es un festival  divertido.

Commenting Rules and Regulations!

1. No cursing on comments:

All comments that have any language will be deleted the second I see them.

2.Comments must stay on topic with the post:

Do not have a conversation through comments, it just ruins the topic.

3. No cyber bullying:

Cyber Bullying is a big enough problem as it is and does not need to be done on this blog.

4. No explicit pictures or URLs on the replies:

This blog is strictly for respectable comments and nothing explicit, vulgar, or just plain creepy should be on this blog.

5. Have fun:

If the rules are followed then this should be a smooth and fun process!

Thanks For Commenting! 🙂

Why I Am Joining The Edublog Challenge!

Everyone in my Spanish 3 class is joining this blog to get a hands on experience form people in other countries. I am hoping to make new friends through new experiences. Just knowing there’s a chance I could have a friend in a different country makes me ecstatic. I am also hoping to become one of the winners of the edublog challenge. I think this a great new experience for anyone wanting to learn and at the same time communicate with other people. I am hoping this goes well so wish me luck! 🙂